Wednesday 29 February 2012


This blog is a diary of sorts. But it is written with the aim of educating people about my experiences, including failures, triumphs and all-around weird situations. I have come to the conclusion that I need $100,000 to be able to live my life the way in which I want it lived. That is, I want to find freedom. Freedom in the physical sense, yes, but also freedom spiritually. I am a firm believer that one can't find happiness or spiritual freedom when he, or she, is doing the mundane. For me, the mundane is working a 9 - 5 job. I did find happiness once in my life. It wasn't too long ago when I discovered that I need complete and utter freedom to be happy. I worked a freelance writing job for Demand Media, producing how-to articles, and this was great. Each article paid me $15 and I wrote around 10 articles per day -- $150 per day is not bad, even while living in Vancouver, the most expensive city in North America, I've heard. The job allowed me to do what I wanted, when I wanted... and since it took me about 30 minutes to write each $15 article, I had a lot of free time.

I used this time wisely. I followed my dreams, acquiring a principal acting agent and I even landed a commercial gig and several student and independent film roles in under a year. Everything was working out and I was on my way to finding more professional work. I also became accredited as a real estate agent in six months. As it turned out, I blew about $20,000 in savings because, after becoming a real estate agent, I lost all my investment by not having a wage for three months and by paying for marketing and licensing expenses, not to mention education fees. At the same time, I lost my online writing job due to a full-scale layoff. Fortunately, I had my four years of journalism experience to back me up and I re-entered the newspaper business. Sad thing, though, I had to leave my beloved Vancouver and move to small town Merritt. Abstinence ensued, due to a population that mainly consists of people much older than my 27 years, and my acting potential is now wasted, for now.

This is why I need to find a way to save $100,000.

This blog isn't only for those who are looking to save with a relatively low-paying job, it's for everyone who has dreams. For the employed who feel they have to work until they're 65, or is it 67 now? It's for the person who recently failed a profession after dedicating their life savings and tons of time to becoming educated. It's for actors, journalists, entrepreneurs, small town people, big city people, investors, sons, daughters, parents, Buddhists... everyone -- and I'm not just saying that to drive traffic to my site. Everyone has something to offer and what I offer is a voice against the mundane, against what we are "supposed to do" as human beings. I intend to beat mundane to a pulp and find a way to live my life how I want it to be lived. And I want to take you with me. Stay tuned!

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